Taylor Franson-Thiel

Hymn for Stained Glass

with heat

Utah does not know ocean : but it does know dried lake bed : the violence in the lack
and fall and freeze of water : how ice expands in all our cracks : forcing us open

Utah does not know whales : but it does know bones : how to chisel
holy writ into the sides : of shins : across skulls : temple to temple

it knows of the hive : the swarm : around prophets and kings
it knows erosion : but not sand : God but not god : stained glass

and the breaking of it : taking bluegreen pieces : putting them to your tongue
letting shards sacrament you : open : watching a saint starving

as he swallows his own tail : like laying our sin : hungry bodies down
on sanded cedar pews : tracing fingers : along the grain : like our touch can taste

the lacquered sap : howling at the saint : buried alive in his coffin
howl meaning prayer : meaning chewing hot sand : meaning soldering the scars

on our arms shut : with anointed gold : forcing the saint to shift
a mountain : by eating: stone after glass blown stone

Taylor Franson-Thiel is a Pushcart nominated poet from Utah, now based in Fairfax, Virginia. She received her Master’s in creative writing from Utah State University and is pursuing an MFA at George Mason University. She enjoys lifting heavy weights and posting reviews to Goodreads like someone is actually reading them. She can be found on Twitter @TaylorFranson.