Chris McCreary


& there were six wild stallions
riderless in the carline. & we were

cast out of the roundabout, were cast
about as collateral in the crowdkill,

roundhoused at the roadhouse
& at tox parties were pitted

& plotted against, outbid & then
shriveled until revenants unbidden

in the discourse, frames bent &
discontent. & we were henceforth

blinkered & heretofore in inertia
& astigmatic. & we became

carrion in the carryons. & still we see
what they seize & we sway under

weight mistaken for portents
of other luggage fated

for distant gates.

Chris McCreary's latest book of poems, awry, is forthcoming later in 2024. Recent work appears in Cul-de-sac of Blood and is forthcoming in Noir Sauna. He lives in South Philadelphia and on IG at @chris___mccreary.