Ann Pedone

from: The Greenland

The cunt bleats, a slant, lightly-Barcelonaed
puncture, mother is
bouilabaissing my best
harvested Lear, oblivious, but watered as techne

This is what happens when the
sex is forced to choose
between hastily privatized drip-
irrigation and chronic, lake-side casserole

The man who confuses language with all remaining
photographic evidence of my
having efficiently dildoed you with found
copy of The
Beautiful and the Damned

The man who confuses language with
hand-held camera used to
document the process whereby I open my
self up with blue packing
tape just long enough to install new fluorescent
bulb in back bathroom

That the video “Man Fingering Stolen
Coffee Cup” is still on repeat out in the
kitchen is definitive
proof of the historical incon
clusiveness of the modern day G-spot

Three cases of Philadelphia Cream Cheese
The number of men I’ve blown in post-Soviet Prague

Because I want to be closer to God I watch
anal-Socratic dog fights
Have as my life’s goal to “dry ice” each and
every one of the greatest living poets
Antigonie the next woman who walks up to the bus stop

Ann Pedone is the author of The Medea Notebooks (Etruscan Press), The Italian Professor’s Wife (Press 53) as well as numerous chapbooks. Her poetry and non-fiction has recently appeared in Michigan Quarterly Review, Posit, Texas Review, The American Journal of Poetry, the Dialogist, Barrow Street, 2River and Tupelo Quarterly. She graduated from Bard College with a degree in English Literature and has a Master’s in Chinese Language and Literature from Berkeley. She is the founder and editor in chief of the journal and small press, αntiphony.