Scott Ferry
in the belly of god
i am quietly weeping
cinnamon and ash
it is ok to weep here
and with ancient joy
and with each imaginary arrow
i pull out of my body
a stolen laughter
is returned
the war
turned the fish into screams
and the birds into priests
children now speak to ghosts
in their beds
when the sun rose
the crows took the dark away
and placed it in the trees
and in the hollow places
in our vows
the bleeding
was for nothing the birds
repeated as they cleaned
the black off the bones
of our dead
but nothing was clean
ever again
but our holy people
told us to kill we said
but our leaders told us to kill
we said but we killed our
own brothers and salted
our fields with our
the crows
would not reply
they only would bring a shiny
word to the children who walked
to school alone who lost
their gods in the
those of us who
were left had no way to pray
except to the ones who always
doubted the ones
who could not kill
in the name of idols
the prayers were silent
and silver
the children kept us
from walking into the fire
ourselves that we did not protest
the war that we allowed the men
to follow beasts with godmasks
that we did not rip the masks
from their fangs and tusks
the birds knew
the way back to the belly
of god the children had never left
even with bloodhands
they knew that the lies had never
reached them that the speeches
were poison that the money
was a ruse
and here i am again
weeping for what i have always known
the silence is the only prayer
for our wounded human family
the old wounds now reopened
the scars now songs the songs
now survival
sing with me
we have lost our skins
we have learnt this too late
we split inward at our throats
and sing for flight for our open
cleaved hearts for a way to hold
ourselves together
to believe in wings again
a black howl in the center
of our light
Scott Ferry helps our Veterans heal as a RN in the Seattle area. He attributes his writing skill to listening to rain fall upwards from the bottom of a fictional aquarium. His most recent book, each imaginary arrow, is now available from Impspired Press. Upcoming in early 2024, his collaboration with the California poet Daniel McGinn called Fill Me With Birds will be published by Meat For Tea Press. Also in 2024, his book of prose poems Sapphires on the Graves will be published by Glass Lyre Press. More of his work can be found at