LC Gutierrez
Recovery Program: Step 2
Would I wake up
to nothing?
Hold faith in my mouth
like moist toast
while oceans of my childhood dry off
in dwindling whirls?
Dancing padlocks/ Siamese fish
cannibalize when I open my eyes.
Would die, is the irony, to follow this eternity
that unfurls around me. Would grip
to the handles of blade-shaped pain
while the sky settles in the sickly
shades of a fickle suicide.
Dreamt when they screamed "Let go, and Let God"
I was already falling. Had found myself
a melon halved- my fruit nowhere
but to perish under a probing sun.
Dreamt I found an address not looking.
Eagerly stepped through the door:
a chime sounds. Admired the plenitude of wares
stocked on shelves. Bountiful, then awakened
like a drunk, with my pockets turned inside out.
LC Gutierrez is a product of many places in the Southern USA and the Caribbean. An erstwhile academic, he now writes, teaches and plays trombone in Madrid, Spain. His work has been published in a number of wonderful journals, and is most recently published or forthcoming in Notre Dame Review, Sugar House Review, Trampoline Journal, Red Ogre Review, New York Quarterly and Delta Poetry Review. He is a poetry reader for West Trade Review.