J-T Kelly

Eldad and Medad                            


You are my politics. On the lawn
in front of the courthouse we had our babies
with us. The church leaders we hoped
would be prophetic were only as
prophetic as they’d ever been. That is,
they stood on wide steps as if
justice were going to roll uphill.


It was hard. There was very little
shade. We stood far back
under a star magnolia tree. In spring,
this tree would have showered
us with petals. Little doves descending
everywhere. Maybe our babies
would have prophesied.


You are the only witness
to so much of my life, and I to yours.
I will stand with you at the bottom
and call up, Come down.
The magnolia blossoms crown the heads
of children. Give up your high seats.
We will prophesy by being poor and free.

J-T Kelly is an innkeeper in Indianapolis. He lives in a brick house with his wife and six children, his two parents, and a dog.